▶ California Still at $4 Range
▶ LA County Average: $4.40
National average gas prices have dropped to their lowest level in three years, nearing the $3 mark. However, California’s average gas price remains in the $4 range, significantly higher than the national average.
According to the American Automobile Association (AAA) on December 9, the national average price per gallon of gasoline stands at $3.01, marking a 3-year low. Meanwhile, California drivers are paying over $1 more per gallon than the national average. As of December 8, California’s average gas price was $4.36, second only to Hawaii’s $4.54. Nevertheless, this is $0.37 lower than last year’s average of $4.73. On December 9, the average price in Los Angeles County was $4.40.
Economic analysts predict that it’s only a matter of time before the national average gas price drops below $3, a level not seen since early 2021. AAA spokesperson Andrew Gross stated, “It’s highly likely that the national average will dip below $3 per gallon within days. In fact, 32 states are already seeing prices at or well below $3.” For instance, Hockley County, Texas, boasts an average gas price of just $2.30 per gallon.
Meanwhile, international oil prices continue to decline. The slowdown in China’s economy, leading to reduced oil demand, coupled with increased oil supply from the U.S. and other countries, has driven prices lower.
Reported by Hongyong Park
Hongyong Park>
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